Monday, September 29, 2008

World Lit Archetype Blog

A movie that I really like is Star Wars. The 4th one to be exact. There are so many archtypes to be found in that movie. First there is the old. mand Obi-Wan Kenobi. He offers advice to Luke and trains him to be a Jedi. Also there is a light vs dark element. The Rebels vs the empire. The emporer wants to have total control over the Rebels. Then there is the maiden Princess Lea. She needs Luke to save her because she couldn't save herself. She was defenseless and innocent. Next there is a trcikster Darth Vader. He tries to trick Luke into turning to the dark side. Last there is the hero. Luke Skywalker. He is on a quest to stop the Empire. He is the the hope and the only hope for the Rebels. Or is he?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hero for World Lit

The hero that I chose is Batman. He may not be able to fly but he makes up for it by using al these super cool gadgets. Also his story is more realistic than any of the other superheros. We know that that Spiderman couldn't happen. No spider could pass on his/her spider genetics to anything through a bite. Then there is Superman. No man can fly on his own with out jetpacks and shoot lasers from his eyes.
Some charactoristics that I like about him is that he uses his athletism to escape death, he is humble, cares for people, hates evil, and fights for good.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Todd's Summer

Over the summer I went to my beach house in Ocean Shores. The house in on the Bell Canal and is a few miles out of town. This particular summer we went there four times which is very unusual. Usually we go once a quarter because we share it with my dad's three brother's. When we are there we go swimming in the three community pools. Also went to the beach and swam when the weather is nice. Sometimes we go tubing and water skiing on a lake nearby. Usually we see a bunch of deer swimming across the lake. This is a picture of it looking towards the canal.