Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I learned that that the Taoism way of viewing gods is very pantheistic. They believe that everything can be a god. Also that they are a lot like Stoics. They sit around in a relaxed manner and discuss philosophy and new ways of thinking. The Taoists also believe in reincarnation. This is the idea that when people die they come back in a different form. Taoists won't even kill a bug for fear that it could be one of their ancestors.
Being a Christian i know that reincarnation is wrong because when i die i know I'm going to heaven. All you know when your a Taoist is that you will come back as something else. To me the Taoist lifestyle fits the phrase" carpe dium" or cease the day because what they do doing their life doesn't mattter. In their next life they have a second chance. Also I have noticed that they are looking for a balence. This is where we get the symbol of the ying and the yang.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


First of all I want to start out by saying that after I read the first "chapter" of the koran I thought how dumb could someone be to sit down and write a long book of lies. It just doesn't make sense to me. I feel I would rather believe in a loving God than a God who hates certain people. Its interesting that Allah hates non believers that he pre destined to not believe in him.
Also the Bible makes things a lot simpler and does not "jump" around from story to story. The Bible is very structured and the Koran is all jumbled up. The Bible doesn't promote relatiation or violence. Although most muslims aren't violent there are still more muslim extremists than there are Christian extremists. Everyone nowadays everyone wants world peace and everything. Its interesting because over a third of the worlds population is Islamic. In the New Testament Jesus says that he is coming not to bring peace but a sword. There wont ever be peace until Jesus is ruling again.
The Koran is a very interesting literary piece and facinating to study, but I could never believe what it says.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This is one of the more "interesting" movies I have watched. This is one of the only musicals I have ever watched. In a way it reminded me of High School musical. It seems like when the actors don't know what to do they sing. In other words they break out into random song. I appreciated that they stayed close to the real legend or story of King Arthur. Lancelot falls in love with Guenevere and they have an affair. Mordred cause chaos within the ranks of the Knights of the Round Table. I don't know how the end turns out because we haven't watched it. I don't know if this is right or if I'm way off the mark but Jesus could represent King Arthur who is the defender of England and tries to unify it. His wife could represent us as Christians or non Christians. Lancelot could represent the Satan. When Guenevere met Lancelot she liked him and he seemed cool. In our lives Satan can appear the same way. Lancelot tempted Guenevere as Satan tempts us. Satan isn't stupid so he doesn't tempt us with things we don't like. This is the Christian significance that I see. In the end of the story King Arthur baneshes his wife like who Jesus sends the non believers to hell.