Sunday, March 1, 2009


First of all I want to start out by saying that after I read the first "chapter" of the koran I thought how dumb could someone be to sit down and write a long book of lies. It just doesn't make sense to me. I feel I would rather believe in a loving God than a God who hates certain people. Its interesting that Allah hates non believers that he pre destined to not believe in him.
Also the Bible makes things a lot simpler and does not "jump" around from story to story. The Bible is very structured and the Koran is all jumbled up. The Bible doesn't promote relatiation or violence. Although most muslims aren't violent there are still more muslim extremists than there are Christian extremists. Everyone nowadays everyone wants world peace and everything. Its interesting because over a third of the worlds population is Islamic. In the New Testament Jesus says that he is coming not to bring peace but a sword. There wont ever be peace until Jesus is ruling again.
The Koran is a very interesting literary piece and facinating to study, but I could never believe what it says.

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